Welcoming in new vibrations for 2021, we touch into our yearning for support, sharing our healing intentions and looking into the compassionate universe together with a fresh canvas. Enjoy an opportunity to connect with community, the spirits, in a fruitful joyful way. We open the gateways to Divine Assistance together through shamanic journeying and sound healing. In Zoom-enabled community we connect with each other and our helping spirits–seen and unseen, known and unknown. On a guided sound-rich journey or two, we can gain insight about, and experience useful shifts for, manifesting new year aspirations, yearnings, healing intentions. We may work with a power animal, a human-formed spirit or other compassionate sources of Divine assistance. We may hum, chant, tone, sing, privately, together. All for our upliftment and that of our friends, family, community, country, Earth. Please RSVP, and I will send you a Zoom link and some suggestions for preparation.