About Lauri & SoulNote

My promise to you:
We form a partnership—you, me, the Divine.
Together, we utilize the ancient ways of connecting with compassionate helping spirits and nature beings (Shamanism),
and the magical creative power of intentional sound (Sound Healing).
We get to the spiritual root cause of whatever is bothering you, or keeping you from your full expression of your heart’s desires.
How do we do this?
We call on the Divine and intentional focused sound to clear impediments that stand in your way of your manifesting.
We then step into the stream of spiritual support for you and your life. We ask to be shown and given power and wisdom for you to gain a more optimistic world view of the compassionate, always accommodating universe that hears you and delivers to you that which you most desire.
We ask for support to assist you to walk with greater vibrance, mastery, well-being, and knowingness… that you are safe and held by Earth… supported by your unique council of helping spirits that are totally on board for orchestrating abundance, health, and joy in your life.
My extensive training, life experience, education, and the rich spiritual power of my land here on Heron Lake, blend with your desire and commitment to the highest vision of YOU to guarantee potent shifts.
You will be heard, seen, and tenderly held in a safe hoop of Spirit and Sacred Sound for the launching of the next phase of your Earth Walk.
Trust, Receive, Believe.
Zoom offers an amazingly powerful medium for connecting and collaborating, where we engage our telepathy skills, deep shared imagination, yearning, intention and the magic of the techno-beings as they support all of us energetically at this time.
Shamanic Sound Healing
A Beautiful Blend of Two Healing Modalities:

Shamanic Healing
Shamanism refers to the process of communicating with helping spirits–seen and unseen power animals, human-formed spirits, angels, goddesses, gods, deities, nature spirits. Shamans tap into the unlimited power and wisdom of these divine beings for healing and transforming our realities. We all have the capacity to connect with these Divine ones and invite them into our lives to help us manifest, create, transform.
The challenges we experience in our life—pain, disease, unhappiness, loss of zest & zeal, disappointment, unfortunate circumstances– always have spiritual dimensions to them, and often, these are the root causes. Shamanic healing addresses the spiritual root of these challenges, doctoring our soul, body and mind, as well as the energetic and material configurations of our lives. Shamanic work ripples back and heals the past, and provides an empowered energetic signature for attracting a more fulfilling joy-filled future.
Traditional shamanism depended on the shaman and their community to generate sound to induce a trance state, to move energy, to invite spirits, to thank and collaborate with the spirit world. My commitment is to bring more sound back into modern shamanism, and cultivate courage in people engaged shamanism to make more sound. In this way we are uplifted as we experience vibrationally the power and wisdom of the spirits that ride streams of sounds into our healing and learning ceremonies for potent change.

Sound Healing
Sound Healing is the process of using sound and heart-felt intention to create change.
Sound is a carrier wave of intention, and can be directed to alter energy and matter in ways that result in more elevated states of being, consciousness, and circumstances. Sound may be generated with our voices through chanting, toning, singing, vocalizing, speaking. We also use singing bowls, rattles, drums, bells, gongs, and other instruments to make sound.
When we invite the wisdom and power of compassionate helping spirits to collaborate with us while we make sound, the results are far more potent, palpable, precise and accurate! We watch and visualize and imagine sound out ahead of us on our path, along with the helping spirits, orchestrating great change in wellness and abundance. Becoming the sound and enveloped in the divine, our perceptions of our worlds change, which results in powerful new ways of walking on Earth–supported, loved, safe, purposeful, intentional, unstoppable!
My commitment is to provide sound healing with a more powerful shamanic framework, remembering that we are really not the ones doing the work; actively engaging our spirit allies as we co-create change and manifest vibrationally through intentional sound.
An underpinning of deep love for earth forms the foundation of all my work.
As a career ecologist in academia and the forest service, I gained an ever growing amazement about how plants, soil, ecosystems function–it is magical! “Really, are these that perfect in their operation and design?” Wow, the perfection of evolution!!!
So much depth and richness in my scientific studies informed my spiritual studies. I am excited to trace some of my past breadcrumbs of plant ecology, ecosystem studies, and “cosmological ecology” and fold it into my soul work in shamanism and sound healing. Listening to how we will be sung into ascended forms of being and creation together with intentional spirit-guided vibrational nourishment.
It was a gift of timely blessing to be at the drumming circle. Amazing it was as well, to encounter another being who so actively uses voice as a vehicle of healing. I look forward to more circles.
Thank you for giving me tools that my allies are using, it really does feel like it is helping! Again, so much swirling gratitude for you and your presence in my life. And thank you specifically for these last 10 months of truly life changing experiences!
I know in my heart and soul that sound healing is in my DNA, and through your facilitation I have met the medicine woman who meets with me and guides me and gives me the songs! Which leads me to the answer of how I feel that I am different in the world since I started with you back in Sept. I feel closer to my true self and closer to the direction of my calling. I have had many dreams over this past year and also been shown in different journeys that I will be working with you specifically.
Schedule a Sound Healing Session with Lauri
Nourish your soul through vibrant, intentional sound.

Lauri offers sessions in shamanic sound healing that address the spiritual aspects of emotional, mental and physical health and well-being. We all, from time to time, feel like “I am just not myself” or “I feel like I am missing a part of myself”. This is common, and a reflection of soul loss. We all lose parts of our soul through trauma, illness, negative events or relationships that sap us. The resulting loss can create illness, negative behavioral patterns, reoccurring mental or physical pain. These can easily be alleviated through shamanic healing. Healing ceremonies may include soul retrieval, extraction, power animal retrieval, Reiki, classic sound healing, deposession, cord-cutting, and others. These ceremonies all can restore well-being and enhance vibrancy in your life.
Sessions available via Zoom currently.