SoulNote Offerings May-June 2024

Earth is our primary teacher. The trees our elders. Sound, our spiritual language. We are “LISTENATIVE”– listening with great curiosity. We explore our inner and outer worlds with the nature beings and other spirits on the land. Community is cultivated as we move together at the speed of deer.

SoulNote Earth-Based Expeditions Into the Rich Wilderness of the Soul: May-June 2024
In Collaboration with Earth Heart
Bird Language: A Grand Listening May 19 9 am-2 pm
The close study and attunement to bird language has been crucial to the survival and thriving of indigenous cultures the world over. We immerse ourselves in the art of listening and noticing how birds communicate with each other, and other beings. We can utilize bird language to diagnose our state of consciousness and signal shifts as we deepen our connection to nature. Just slowing down to the speed of nature brings us into nourishing states of consciousness that are a healing all unto themselves. Immerse yourself and allow Heron Lake Sanctuary to offer you a luscious exchange with Earth. $90
Shamanic Sound: Among the Trees May 18; June 23 10 am-3 pm
Trees sing and vibrate, acting as sacred guides, wisdom keepers, and antennae –receivers and transmitters of sacred spirit sound and song. They are among the original blessing elders of animistic living. We attune to and commune with these great beings, inquiring, listening, noticing how we can collaborate with them for healing and service to soul, community, Earth. Through shamanism, sound healing and nature constellations in community, we enjoy a potent day outdoors at beautiful Heron Lake Sanctuary. $90 for one/$180 for both sessions.
Nature & Soul Constellations: Towards Creative Shifts June 9 1-5 pm
Life of Life. We collaborate with nature beings, each other, those who have come before us, other surprising characters and archetypes. Our bodies and energy fields are amazingly powerful sensory instruments that help us unwind obsolete patterns, adjust and attune to nature, the elements, Others seen and unseen, known and unknown. We ask the Knowing Field to support the evolution of our souls. With intention, we step in to feel and reconfigure facets of our lives. $125
Ecotones: A Shamanic Sound Expedition:A Rich Inquiry Into Our Edges and Boundaries
You can cue up the shamanic sound work now here
or Wait until prompted below & hit the Play button to the left
Broad Purpose & Intention
This series of shamanic sound experiences is meant to be an expedition into the ecology of the soul.
We engage here in a fruitful spiritual and soulful investigation into the edge or boundary between “this” and “that”--two adjacent or polar states, conditions, ideas or beliefs.
Between them there may be a solid boundary or threshold we flirt with, or a grading from one form into another. Here we look, and listen, and work with an edge or boundary that yearns for resolution or dissolution.
Ecotone: Its’ origin:
The ecological concept of ecotones has been coming in vibrational waves through the senses, during my nature journeys and everyday livingness.
In ecology, an ecotone is defined as a transitional area between two adjacent ecological communities (Merrium-Webster).
There exists a unique set of dynamics and characteristics of the species present and facets of the physical environment, as we move from one ecological state to another, through the ecotone, to the other state. In ecological studies of biodiversity in forests, we call these stand conditions. So there is a parallel when we address boundaries or edges in our life between “this” and “that”.
This concept of inquiry streamed into the forefront as a result of my work my sensing and working with thresholds (A hot topic inBill Plotkin’s SoulCraft)
Here the term ecotone can be used to denote where to any two adjacent states butt up against each other– in the mind, heart, thoughtscape, belief system, energy field, or any other aspects of our physical & metaphysical lives.
One of My Personal Ecotones
When I used this first sound journey for myself after it was completed, I found the edge between “safe and not safe”.
As I worked with my spirits from the bird nations, this ecotone feathered into, ascended up to a third way– neutrality–a spiritual practice/mindset/life skill/ soulscape quality is-ness. We have been cultivating, merging with, inviting, whooing neutrality very intently at in LightSong’s Mystery School teachings and learning experiences/ceremonies. So what a beautiful weaving of messages from the Divine to help me with my fears and courageousness.
Birds as Emissaries of the Divine: Singing Hearts on wings
We ask for help from compassionate spirits from the Bird Nations. Birds life our eyes from the heavy Earth to the sky with their glorious choruses, laments, and excitations! Their power of flight assists us to rise, and see our soul’s landscape from their bird’s eye…with eagle vision, a different, higher perspective.
Power and Practice of Part 1 of Ecotones, Edges & Boundaries:
This part 1 of the Shamanic Sound Journey Ceremony initiates us into the power of sound and spirit which we invite to help us discover and transform edges, boundaries, ecotones.
First, the invitation: The Invocation–Calling in the bird nations. You can include any of your known, vetted compassionate spirits. Rattle, sing, hum, drum, or simply vibrate with intention. INTENTION IS EVERYTHING. As close as you can get toa sense of love of your soul, and connection with your ability to hear your heart yearning...Call forth to the compoassionate universe!
There is an opportunity to make offerings, a simple altar, add to your own. You can pause the audio if so moved to do some listening and finding altar items and offerings.
Then we are propelled on a Sound-empowered Spirit-guided journey. My (Lauri’s) spirits and sounds assist us in this journey, holding the Intention to find an edge or boundary…of spiritual/mental/physical significance. It may be an abrupt line or a gradient/gradation between 2 conditions, this or that.
The spirits will guide us to see-feel-sense-know more about a particular edge, boundary that you are needing to transform around. Nature spirits–in particular the birds–show us something surprising and important about the landscape of our soul/life and an edge that is revealed. As in forest ecology, the tree spirits may show up and reveal patterns that help us understand and sense our ecotone, as one state (“this”) fades into another state (“that”); graded or abrupt.
We engage compassionate spirits from the Bird Nations to be primary guides on this sound journey. This journey is meant to help provide a birds eye view & experience. The eagle’s view.
Mato Lauri’s bear drum, and her Abundance (G) crystal bowl, along with lakeside birds Lauri recorded in July 2020 provide sonic drivers, cleansers, fillers, songs, spirits all!
We ask for trust that Lauri’s guiding ones will collaborate with yours in the biggest way, and support you in your own experience. Journey and use the sounds coming through me (Lauri), my instruments, you, your instruments, our altars, to inspire curiosity!
Ask the spirits that you be surprised!
Take a moment to breathe, contemplate...
Be comfortable, and make your space safe to do whatever you are guided to do!
If you are guided to set up a simple altar. and/or gather offerings.
Do not worry if you dont cant wont its all good!!
Play Sound Track
Come back; have some water, stretch.
Walk around. Then write.
What did you notice?
How did that make you feel?
What do you think this means–what story are you telling yourself about it?
Feel free to send writings of contemplation and sensation and manifestation, or whatever is in your heart.
Part 2 coming shortly!
Come back; have some water, stretch.
Walk around. Then write.
What did you notice?
How did that make you feel?
What do you think this means–what story are you telling yourself about it?
Feel free to send writings of contemplation and sensation and manifestation, or whatever is in your heart.
Part 2 coming shortly!