About Lauri

Lauri J. Shainsky, Ph.D., Sh.D.
Lauri has been studying shamanism since 1997, when she met Jan Engels-Smith, founder of LightSong School of Shamanic Studies and Energy Medicine. Lauri became part of Jan’s first cohort of students to go through the school’s extensive curriculum. When the school officially formed, Lauri was asked to be on the council and has been contributing to its development ever since. Lauri has also enjoyed studying with Michael and Sandra Harner (Core Shamanism), Tom Cowan (Celtic Shamanism), Bradford Keeney (Shaking Medicine), Betsy Bergstrom (Deposession and Curse-unraveling), and Francesca Boring-Mason (Family and Nature Constellations).
Lauri was guided by spirit to begin singing in the sweat lodge ceremonies. This, as well as a long abiding career teaching people about bird song, instigated a deep relationship with sound and song. She met Tom Kenyon, reknowned sound healer and engaged in training with him. Lauri was catapulted into an inquiry and involvement in sound and its natural partnership with shamanism. Since then, she and her students have been exploring, through direct revelation, the magical properties of intentional, spirit-guided sound.

What are Lauri’s gifts that set her apart from her contemporaries?
Lauri has an extensive skill set and vast understanding about the human condition. She learned about how human behavior forms, and how to change it, through her 8 years in Context Associated’s personal effectiveness training. She diligently studied with a channeller for 5 years, which illuminated much about how energy and matter work and flow in the universe. She learned a great deal through her own recovery and healing from bodily injuries. Her Ph.D. in Ecology and her experience leading outdoor adventures, teaching and researching in university settings, also contributes to her deep understanding about human behavior and the wonders of nature and ecology.
Her connections with spirits, her work with Family Constellations, and her long history of working with people combine to help her very effectively and efficiently pinpoint root causes of many ailments, especially as they relate to early childhood dynamics, ancestral patterns and matters of lineage. Her science career also has promoted a keen ability to make finely tuned observations, notice the complexity of several factors superimposed on themselves to create patterns in need of transformation. In her sessions, you get right to the point, to work. Her open, welcoming, light hearted way, always peppered with good humor and laughter, set you right at ease. She provides a safe divine environment in which to do the healing, supported by the rich array of nature spirits at beautiful Hidden Lake.

My mission
My personal mission is to serve the earth by providing people transformative experiences in shamanism, sound, and nature. I believe that everyone has innate wisdom and power, that with some coaxing and the right tools at the right time, can be accessed to create more vibrant health and to manifest our dreams.
A key aspect of my mission is to bring song and sound back into core shamanism in a powerful way and to bring shamanism into sound healing. I also seek to reconnect neo-shamanism to its traditional roots based in connection and time with Nature.

Who am I?
I am a shamanic sound healer and soul ecologist.
I work with the spirits to assess and provide guidance for making changes that bring manifestation.
I use the creative power and wisdom of sound to shift our consciousness and well being
I am a spiritually connected and gifted singer, healer, and teacher.
I facilitate inspiring classes that let others expand their minds.
Intelligent, powerful, spiritually connected, creative, funny
I have a talent for listening to people.
I understand how people learn and progress.
I have an understanding of the human dimension and how people develop.
I help them move forward.
I am collaborative, co-creative, and non-hierarchical.
I have a deep abiding love and concern for the animals of Earth.

How did I get here?
I have been studying shamanism since 1997. As with many people, my own path of pain and distress led me to the shamanic way of living. Shamanism and sound healing have worked miracles in my life and in the lives of my students, clients, and community members. I am so grateful to this divine way of healing and learning. I honor my lineage of shamanic living, traced back to the Siberian shamans, who were one of the most ancient of shamanic traditions.
I have been blessed by having great teachers:
Jan Engels-Smith; Michael and Sandra Harner (core shamanism);
Tom Kenyon & Jonathan Goldman (Sound Healing);
Betsy Bergstrom (Curse-unravelling and deposession);
Bradford Keeney (Shaking Medicine);
Tom Cowan (Celtic Shamanism);
Colleen Benelli (Reiki);
Paul Ghosthorse (Traditional ceremonialism);
Jon Young (Bird Language and Tracking);
Francesca Boring-Mason (Family and Soul Constellations).
And, I have learned the most directly from my everlasting communion with my compassionate spirits.

I am filled with love, light and beauty from this amazing weekend spent with you all. I want you all to know how deeply I was moved to be met with such kindness and grace. I appreciate, deeply, how easily and honestly you shared yourselves with me. The experience lives and thrives in my heart and I feel it moving through me in my thoughts and actions. I feel blessed.
There have been some substantial shifts in my perspective and where I’m directing my energy on stuff that previously felt “entrenched”, especially around the house situation, and also how I was (dis)orienting myself to my previous partner. Indeed, it does feel as though I’ve been able to “take flight” and see the bigger picture and patterns at work here.
I am grateful for your gift of connection and for sharing it with me today. It is an honor to have you witness my journey. It is one I hope we can continue to take together. By the way, as I was driving up the driveway to leave, I stopped and got out to take some pictures of that amazing cedar tree. When I turned to get back in my car, I looked up and saw a hawk circling directly overhead… 🙂 .
Schedule a Sound Healing Session with Lauri
Nourish your soul through vibrant, intentional sound.

Lauri offers sessions in shamanic sound healing that address the spiritual aspects of emotional, mental and physical health and well-being. We all, from time to time, feel like “I am just not myself” or “I feel like I am missing a part of myself”. This is common, and a reflection of soul loss. We all lose parts of our soul through trauma, illness, negative events or relationships that sap us. The resulting loss can create illness, negative behavioral patterns, reoccurring mental or physical pain. These can easily be alleviated through shamanic healing. Healing ceremonies may include soul retrieval, extraction, power animal retrieval, Reiki, classic sound healing, deposession, cord-cutting, and others. These ceremonies all can restore well-being and enhance vibrancy in your life.
Sessions available in-person & remotely.