
My heartfelt goal…
To provide a safe, spirit-filled container of wisdom and power where you, our compassionate helping spirits, and I co-create experiences of expansion, connection with the Divine, and rejuvenation through sound and metaphysical magic.
With the current times, SoulNote and the whole LightSong School of Shamanism have adapted our teaching methods, gatherings and ceremonies to the surprisingly magical modality of Zoom. (See more about this here).
While my heart yearns for in-person sound-making, and this will come, I am here to be your servant, guide, mentor, confidante through this powerful medium of spirit-guided sound, vibrational medicine, shamanic sound healing.

Deepest Intentions for SoulNote Coursework
Here we enjoy powerful opportunities to:
Come into a more potent vibrational relationship and exchange with our helping Spirits and the Divine.
When we make sound with our voices in particular, our whole physicality vibrates. We are acutely alert, listening, feeling Spirit move through us as we pray, bless, thank, engage in healing. This training helps one become an instrument that responds to and converses with the divine realms through intentional sound.
Prepare more consciously and powerfully our energy field, mind, body, soul, and sacred spaces for our healing ceremonies
As we step into the healing hoop, we can comfortably, confidently, powerfully use sound—singing, toning, chanting, speaking, rattling, drumming, bowling– to energetically open to, charge with, and channel currents of spiritual power and wisdom.
Change our states of consciousness for accessing Non-Ordinary Reality
We become more comfortable (and deeply intrigued!) with using our voices to entrance us and others. We learn how follow our voice into our journeys.
Amplify the effectiveness and potency of our shamanic healing procedures** through knowledgeable and effective use of intentional vibratory frequencies (especially our voices).
Tap into the wise, vibrating, creative universe to manifest new fruitful matrices, structures, circumstances, realities, formations of energy and matter.
We become attuned to our powerful energetic self, both individuated from and blended with the Divine, serving as a conduit, antennae, instrument for change through intentional, spirit-guided sound.

My course work focuses on all aspects of the equation:
Sound + Intention + Spirit +The open Heart + Deep listening= Healing + Manifestation
Cornerstones of my coursework include:
- Simultaneous Healing and Learning: As we learn techniques, we apply these to our own healing needs and issues.
- Spirit-led Curricula: My helping spirits and yours guide what we do during a course session, and often change in the moment to satisfy a set of needs that present.
- Non-hierarchical, co-created: While I share my experience and knowledge, you collaborate by contributing your own unique knowledge, and your findings from the divine realms.
- Open-hearted and Laughter-infused: We do our best not to take ourselves too seriously, and find compassion for self and others.

Our inquiry informs our personal and professional development as deepen our awareness of:
- Sound and its encoded wisdom flowing through usfrom the Divine realms to ordinary reality, helping us to create and manifest;
- The depth and ways that we are assisted by our helping spirits in all aspects of life;
- How we can become balanced with our ego and “get out of the way” more completely, and
- Our role of service through this work.

Circles and Ceremonies deepen our role as divine human beings as we:
- Move towards joy and warm-heartedness;
- Share mystical healing experiences and opportunities for sustenance and transformation;
- Enjoy opportunities of “high impact low commitment”, and
- Welcome opportunities for key passages and initiations.
My shamanic sound curriculum provides an intentional comprehensive series of learning experiences that promotes a powerful arc of development of skills, knowledge, and spiritual potency. Walking this journey will lead to thriving, dynamic, illuminated human beings, and highly-trained energy medicine practitioners. As a trusted advisor, I am honored to be invited to walk with you and provide personal and professional mentorship all along the way.

What people say about my courses and circles:
When someone asks me about Shamanic Sound Healing and taking Lauri’s classes… I respond by saying that Shamanic Sound healing is different than tuning forks or just lying in a yoga studio receiving sound. In class, we become participants and are having an experiential co-creative learning process, where we learn to truly get out of our way and allow spirit and our guides to flow through us guided by intentional sound with wisdom, love, intelligence, spirit…
We harness the energy as “power” which in turn we direct to have a healing effect on ourselves and whoever we are working with. We do many different shamanic journeys and acquire new allies. We go through different ceremonies that allow us to find our own voice, guided by spirit and these new allies. We also learn different shamanic extraction and filling methods where we use sound as a valuable tool that intensifies other methods we may have learned in other classes. The sound component administers the healing in such a beautiful and tangible way.” A.T. Long time co-creator in Shamanic Sound Healing coursework.
Another long time participant, J.S. shares: “The experiential component of Lauri’s classes is where the magic happens. Lauri weaves the circle together in such a way where I feel safe and supported to explore the depths of my soul, even among strangers. I am encouraged and assisted to seek help and wisdom from the compassionate spirits around me. I am given time to spend in wonderful, healing nature (when at Hidden Lake) to gain insight and comfort. I am led in magical ceremonies that bring such healing and joy. There is a balance of teaching, experience and talking. To me personally, being with Lauri at Hidden Lake in the ever-present nurturing community is like coming home. Like being reunited with family. A rewarding, unforgettable experience each and every time.”