Telepathic Virtual Lodge Ceremony

Co-create Ceremony With Us!

Towards Continuing Ceremonial Healing for the LightSong Community: 

This writing contains information about how people can prepare for virtual sweat lodge.

I continue to live “a life of lodge” because its’ power and wisdom have made an indelible imprint on our lives. I say thank you to my elders who have trained me, and to the First Nation peoples, who, inspite of all we as colonizers took from them, generously gifted us these ways. And, in the words of beloved Gilbert Walking Bull, shared over my lunch with him at Wilderness Awareness School, “just do it right”. So I listen, listen, listen, for these ways of virtual telepathic ceremony to bless community and honor all of those who have come before me.

Invitations & Commitments


 This ceremony stokes our vivid shared imaginations, as well as our ability to dissolve distance and employ telepathy.

We co-create this ceremony, as together we hold the bones, the breath, the blood, the firey realness of this time of communion, prayer, sound, journey and community.

Of setting intentions into motion that will change/imbue the trajectories of our lives…Much love to you from us as pourers and singers.

What is requested of you:  

Set aside time to completely focus, remove distractions, obstacles, resistances to full participation;

Be committed to staying present–being in your sacred space for the duration of the ceremony;

Engaging in the preparation listed below*;

Commit to the ethics and protocols for Zoom ceremony;

Be willing to totally be co-creators with the spirits and the water pourer in this sacred ceremony, remembering and dismembering past lodges.

Allow yourself to surrender, let go, intend! Pray! Believe! Sing!


What I (the water pourer) am committed to:

  • Facilitating a safe and a sacred soul-filled environment—spiritually, digitally.
  • Holding solid in my heart the foundational ingredients and historical template of this sacred ceremony.
  • Being as clear a channel as I can be--Working with all of the helping spirits that come during the physical lodges Jan and I pour.  The helping spirits—yours, ours. The big council of help that channel through the geometry, our hollow bones, our open hearts, to do the healing work.
  • Honoring the stones—grandmothers who have been on Earth since the beginning of Earth who bring healing and wisdom;
  • Honoring the fire that activates the grandmothers, and transmutes our suffering to freedom, grace, wellbeing;
  • Honoring the water, which changes form and dances with the grandmothers to facilitate our transformation and so the world’s;
  • Circulating Prayer and song, which frame our minds, empowered by our feelings, and along with breath, blow through our hearts and set manifestation into motion.
  • Holding in our hearts Togetherness
  • Honoring the benevolent “techno-beings” that collaborate with our electronic devices for interconnection and virtual community-making.


Preparations for Co-Creation

What you will need to optimally participate:

  • A place where you can go in your home or office where you can stay focused and will not be interrupted for 2 and a half or so hours.
  • A rattle
  • A mindfold or bandana to cover your eyes
  • A blanket
  • A candle (with lighter or matches) located in a safe place.
  • Any altar items you might want to anchor spiritual help in the physical
  • One or more Large stones that can be a personal grandmother stone for you (grapefruit size is good)
  • Optional enrichment: prayer ties in a string long enough to designate a circle that you can sit and/or lie down in.
  • A cushion, pillow or low chair that can fit inside your circle.
  • Zoom, preferably on your phone, or laptop

Your engagement in preparation and readiness. 

  1. Set intentions for yourself—how the lodge ceremony will help set into motion grand creations, shifts, manifestations.
  2. Create a sacred circle with the string, rope or prayer ties.
  3. Sage and/or sing while you set this up.
  4. Place the large grandmother stone(s) somewhere inside your circle.
  5.  Create a small altar just outside your circle, with the candle in a safe stable location.
  6. Place your rattle, blanket (folded up to start), cushion or chair, large stone, and mindfold inside your circle.
  7. Join the meeting with the invitation provided below.

When we are all ready, we will light our candles, go into our little personal lodges. We will then begin the lodge…

You may be called to use your blanket to cover yourself to make your own private mini lodge.

It will be an exercise in listening… BEING ‘LISTENATIVE–LISTENING WITH CURIOSITY

Prayer ties are always a plus!!! Make them in advance.  If you want, again no designated color or amount.  They help you focus.



Ceremony on Zoom

Requests for Most Potent Zoom Experience for All:

Please close down all internet-requiring apps, programs, browsers on all of your devices. Put your phone on do not disturb, or however you can disable notifications.

Ask your housemates to read a physical book, go for a walk, work on a project–gaming and streaming in your house hold can interrupt and affect your internet stream and thus possibly  your sound and energetic experience.

Make sure you have enough power for your device to be sustained.

During this ceremony, we will be in darkness a lot—with participants frequently muted, and video turned off except perhaps between rounds. I may have a co-host managing the mute and video settings for me, and us, so we can stay in our prayer as much as possible. With this arrangement you will be able to surrender to the ceremony, the spirits, the guidance from the spirits and me, and into your own experience. Typical lodges, we are all in the dark except between rounds.

And because this is going to be very much an energetic, audio (“psychoacoustic”) experience, you will be happy to focus, and not be not distracted by other participants’ barking dogs, neighbors power tools, moving around, etc. So please do not be offended if the co-host mutes you!

Most importantly, surrender into the power of this age-old ceremony, and trust that the spirits, the songs, the bones of lodge will support and carry you.


— Any questions can be directed to



Meeting ID: 840 1782 9448

Passcode: 92999